I am a lucky man in alot of ways, and sometime ya know those of us that are lucky tend to forget how lucky we are.... Think about it do you have these;
Loving Spouce
Loving Pet
Running Car
Beliefs In Your Heart
Money In Your Pocket
Smile On Your Face
Someone To Challange You
Someone To Drink With
Something That You Love Doing
Heros (Thanks Mom, Tommy, Glenn, Alan, and Brit and many I have not written here!)
If you do quit bitching and enjoy them because not everyone has some, any or all of these things!!!!!!!!!!
These are the things a lucky man has and I have them all. And it amazes me I still wake up mad as a hatter and ready to fight. It amazes me that I worry about what people think of me and where I fit in a group. To tell the truth there is a big part of me that doesn't worry or care as long as I am alive and I have friends I will be me..... A Bit hecktic at times..... A real heathen..... Wonderer and worrier..... And in the end Just me. The fat jolly man! I like my life..... I love my gods, wife, my friends, my cat and my car. Love you all hope to see all of you in good spirits!